Subject areas include humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and business, with color-coded shelves to reflect these areas.
The University Library houses the following special collections:
Books, newspapers, and other documents related to the history of African Americans in Shreveport and the region. A full collection of The Shreveport Sun, the city's historical African American newspaper, can also be found here.
Books by or about African Americans
Books by Louisiana natives or about the state
At SUSLA University Library, we have divided the Library of Congress classes and subclasses into the four color-coded subject areas mentioned above:
These sections can be found on the second floor of the University Library located on the Martin Luther King, Jr. campus.
Here are full lists of the classes that can be found in each section.
In addition to containing books classified in the humanities, the black section of shelving also houses the Black Literature Collection.
In addition to containing the books classed under Business, this section houses the Louisiana Literature Collection.
The LRCserves the downtown Metro and supports the following programs:
The LRC's collection also includes some biographies, fiction, and general reference materials.
Each book's call number is located on its spine. The call number helps determine the shelf location of each book.